London, UK / At a time in history where nearly any item you’ve ever wanted is available to you with the click of a button, nothing causes a stir quite like the release of a product that takes a little bit of extra effort to get your hands on. It’s […]
New Release By April And the Drift About the Holidays
April And The Drift is a duo known for their innovative and original sound and their latest release “Sunday Mornings” in no exception. “Sunday Mornings” is the name of their latest reggae release, which conveys the appropriate message with its very simple to-the-point message. April And The Drift made its […]
The Most In-depth Book on Animal Spirituality
New book brings answers on animal reincarnation, karma and even the repercussions of eating meat London, UK, 1st August 2021 – The latest book by David Barreto, a newly acclaimed author in the fields of “science meets spirituality” promises to explain animal spirituality in a way never seen before. Spiritual […]
Verie Announces a Traceable Anti-Counterfeiting Certificate for Brand Owners and Artists
Hong Kong, China / SEAPRWire / August 10, 2021 / – Verie, a leading e-commerce brand connecting reality and virtuality, has recently announced its traceable anti-counterfeiting certificate for brand owners and artists. Verie offers users the opportunity to claim the corresponding traceable anti-counterfeiting certificates mapped to authentic real-world goods. […]
US-Based Startup; WetFire, Launches AI Tool to Help Non-Technical Business Owners Go Online Faster
WetFire helps small and very small enterprises from any part of the world go online. Unlike typical do-it-yourself website builders, WetFire is a “do it for me” solution. WetFire, a US-based Technology start-up company, has announced the launch of its platform for local businesses interested in maximizing their online presence. […]